Leadership Coaching
with JoAnn Schauf, MS, LLC


Cultivate intrinsic motivation to make decisions and think independently.


Develop determination and persistence to focus on achieving goals.


Work collaboratively to invite shared problem solving and belonging.


Establish strict working habits and diligent planning to stay focused.

Helping You Find Success With Personalized Coaching

Coaching Begins With a Free Consultation

It’s vital that we work exceptionally well together. Before signing on the dotted line as coach and client, we will meet in person (DFW area) or talk on the phone. You’ll learn my approach and I’ll  learn about you, your vision and struggles. This will set us up to hit the ground running.

Coaching Topics

Clarity and Goal Defining

Relationship Skill Development

Habit Formation

Business and Career Growth

Personal and Professional Leadership

How Do I know If Leadership Coaching is Right For Me?


Do you react emotionally rather than pausing and then responding?

Carving out time for getting better at what you do and who you are?

Are you not developing the talents of those you lead?

Do you have unresolved conflicts with those above and below you?

Is your communication system ineffective or time consuming?

If you answered yes to one or more of the questions executive coaching is for you!

Executive coaching will show you how to stay focused, find clarity, and learn habits that elevate your profession.

My Approach to Leadership Coaching

Who is following you? You want relationships that influence, empower, and motivate those whom you lead. You don’t want blind obedience based on pressure and punitive measures. Becoming a valued and respected leader means you create an environment of trust, cooperation, safety, and belonging.

Leaders set the tone and put people first.

For your leadership to transform and thrive we will form a trusting partnership and establishing specific goals and strategies. We will look at the weak links and determine the styles and paradigms that need to change. You will be supported each step on your journey.

We will meet weekly; you will have structured homework that will be submitted the day before each session. You can expect to be held accountable and challenged to disrupt your status quo during this extraordinary transforming experience.

How It Works

Schedule a Free Consultation

It’s vital that we work exceptionally well together.  We will meet in person or talk on the phone. You’ll learn my style and I’ll  learn about you and your goals. I want you to be certain and confident you are making the best choice in a coach.


Choose a Coaching Package

During our first meeting, we will discuss your goals. Based on our conversation, I will make a recommendation for  which Coaching Package is right for you.  

Reach Your Goals

As we partner, you will learn how to apply specific strategies and skills to overcome obstacles. You will learn how to understand and manage your emotions.  You will tap into personal strengths and talents that have gone unused.

Leadership Coaching Packages


Challenge and elevate one belief or habit that impedes your success. With my three-session leadership package, we will focus on a single area to spur your personal growth and continued improvement. We will meet in person or via phone over one month. A weekly feedback page is included for both our benefits.






Expand your personal philosophy and performance to increase your effectiveness in your leadership role. This eight sessions leadership package focuses on self-improve in multiple areas to improve your foundational leadership. Meetings are weekly via phone or in-person with homework assignments to keep you focused and accountable.





Confront the processes and practices that prevent you from achieving your leadership goals. In this twelve-session package, we analyse the pitfalls and find success strategies, skills and tools to overcome your limitations. Our weekly meetings via phone or in-person will be spaced over three months. Each week homework is assigned for personal insight and growth.



Start Living Life to the Fullest!