Success Hides no Secrets

By: JoAnn Schauf


Why do some people reach the success they wanted, and others don’t? What’s required to earn initials after your name, lose weight, start a business, be fiscally responsible, attain a C-suite position, complete a project or make the desires of your heart come to fruition? What triggers action?

Galvanizing your will is necessary. Determination, passion and resoluteness feed this powerful human force. It’s the CPU that makes changing, completing tasks and dealing with obstacles possible. It’s much more than a willingness, it’s a decision to act on a compelling idea coupled with an inspired vision. It elicits courage and bravery and requires sacrifices like delaying gratification and missing sleep. When the reward is greater than the risk it’s your will that ignites your tenacity.

Regulating your emotions keeps you on track. The beauty of emotions is that they provide valuable bits of information about our world and the world surrounding us. Those emotions can work for us or hijack us. When killer emotions such as doubt, fear, worry, anxiety come our way – and they will because this is life, we need an action plan. Each emotion needs to be named followed by making an absolute choice of how to respond to it. That’s right, you have a choice! It’s not necessary nor is it beneficial to let an unproductive or unmotivating emotion hold you captive, stealing your time, energy and confidence. Be ready to face your emotions, respond to them effectively and mount your motorcycle with your mojo and purpose in balance.

Asking for help is a giant strength. A friend went on the Whole30 and was wildly successful. She approached it by fully engaging with online support as well as inviting her friends and mate to join her. She invested in the process by buying cookbooks, planning meals and cooking. She was willing to be vulnerable. By asking questions and sharing her challenges on the way, she found support and built connection and trust with her tribe. Additionally, she was refreshingly authentic. There was no escaping the obvious – she’d gained weight because of poor eating habits and wanted to feel better. All too often we believe asking for help or information is a weakness – but that is just plain wrong, flawed and limited thinking. Find your voice, ask for help and you will receive it.

Be bold, let your emotions work for you and seek support. You’ve got this one life and I want it to be full and rewarding.


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